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Check your pension at
Now you can check your pension information at the SEIUFUNDS.ORG website.
Visit it today!
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Negotiations Update
The Union is currently in Contract Negotiations with the following Companies:
1. Claremont Country Club (Oakland, CA)
2. East Lawn Memorial Park (Sacramento, CA)
3. Lone Tree Cemetery (Hayward, CA)
4. Associated Cemeteries (Colma, CA)
5. Olivet Memorial Park (Colma, CA)
Members employ at facilities above, please contact your Union representative for more information.
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General Membership Meeting
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to remind all members that General Membership Meeting are held every third Tuesday of the month.
Location: Round Table Pizza ( 2227 Gellert Blvd, South San Francisco, CA 94080)
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Officers and Board Members meet at 5:00 p.m.
Members interesting in attending E-Board Meeting as observers are welcome. Please, notify any Union officer that you wish attend.
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We will be protesting Alta Mesa Memorial Park on Memorial Day
Join us in protesting at Alta Mesa Cemetery on an informational picket line, Monday, May 26, 9am-12pm at 695 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306
We are protesting the bad offer on the table for our workers at Alta Mesa Cemetery. The company is asking the workers to take unfair cuts in wages and benefits to offset their operating expenses. We will stand together in unity.
Please join us in support of Alta Mesa workers and Local 265 by walking the picket line with us.
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NorthStar Group, Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery, Bargains Badly!NorthStar Grupo, Chapel of the Chimes Hayward, CA Ofertas Mal!
NorthStar Memorial Group of Houston, Texas owns and operates Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery in Hayward, CA located at 32992 Mission Blvd.
The contract negotiations between NorthStar and the Cemetery Workers and Greens Attendants Union, SEIU Local 265, has exposed the greed and selfishness of this nationally known cemetery group. The NorthStar Group has demanded that the senior employees lose their defined benefit pension plan, accept inferior health insurance, and have their wages frozen for the next four (4) years.
SEIU Local 265 has been informationally picketing Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery in Hayward, protesting this greed and informing the public that the union membership is opposed to these cuts. The workers want a fair and reasonable offer that the membership can work under with dignity, respect, with wages and benefits that are customary in the unionized cemetery industry of the Bay Area.NorthStar grupo Memorial de Houston, Texas posee y opera la capilla del cementerio de Chimes en Hayward, CA ubicada en 32992 Mission Blvd..
Las negociaciones contractuales entre NorthStar y trabajadores del cementerio y asistentes Verdes Union, SEIU Local 265, se ha puesto de manifiesto la codicia y el egoísmo de este grupo cementerio conocido a nivel nacional. El Grupo de NorthStar ha exigido que los empleados mayores pierden su plan de pensiones de prestación definida, acepta seguro de salud inferior, y tienen sus salarios congelados durante los próximos cuatro (4) años.
SEIU Local 265 ha sido informativamente Capilla piquetes del Chimes cementerio de Hayward, en protesta por la avaricia e informar a la opinión pública que los miembros del sindicato se opone a estos recortes. Los trabajadores quieren una oferta justa y razonable que los miembros pueden trabajar bajo con dignidad, respeto, con salarios y beneficios que son habituales en la industria cementerio sindicalizados del área de la bahía.
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We will be picketing at Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery on Saturday, September 7, 2013Estaremos piquetes en Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery en Sábado, 07 de Septiembre
On Saturday, September 7th we will be picketing at Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery in Hayward to demonstrate our displeasure with the latest contract proposal by the employer.
We want a fair and just contract! The employer has made a terrible offer in their latest contract proposal. The cemetery workers at Chapel of the Chimes have been working in good faith while bargaining for a fair contract. The employer keeps taking away, offering less and less, which would cost the workers more in health insurance expenses and payroll taxes, resulting in a net loss of pay and benefits compared to their past earnings. This means that they would earn less, and would have to pay more in expenses out of their take-home pay for the same benefits they have always earned. Meanwhile, even in the face of these bad proposals, the workers continue to provide their valuable and loyal service to the community at a time they need it the most, for funeral arrangements and burials.
We rely on your support for our cemetery workers. Please call the cemetery at (510) 471-3363 and tell them that the cemetery workers deserve a fair and just contract.
Whether you are a visitor, or a union member, please come to support your brothers and sisters in labor by joining our picket line from 10am-1pm on Saturday September 7 at Chapel of the Chimes, 32992 Mission Blvd Hayward, CA 94544.
View Larger MapEl sábado 7 septiembre se estará piquetes en Chapel of the Chimes cementerio en Hayward para demostrar nuestro descontento con la última propuesta de contrato por parte del empleador.
¡Queremos un contrato justo y equitativo! El empleador ha cometido un terrible oferta en su última propuesta de contrato. Los trabajadores en el Chapel of the Chimes cementerio han estado trabajando de buena fe por más de tres años, mientras que la negociación de un contrato justo. El empresario lleve quitar, ofreciendo cada vez menos, lo que le costaría a los trabajadores más de los gastos de seguro de salud y de los impuestos sobre la nómina, lo que resulta en una pérdida neta de salarios y prestaciones en comparación con sus ingresos pasados. Esto significa que ellos ganan menos, y que tendría que pagar más en los gastos fuera de su sueldo neto de los mismos beneficios que siempre han ganado. Mientras tanto, los trabajadores que sigan prestando su valioso servicio y leal a la comunidad católica en un momento en que más lo necesitan, para los arreglos funerarios y entierros, incluso en la cara de estas malas propuestas.
Contamos con su apoyo para nuestros trabajadores del cementerio. Por favor llame al cementerio (510) 471-3363 y decirles que los trabajadores del cementerio merecen un contrato justo y equitativo.
Si usted es un visitante o un miembro de la unión, no dude en venir a apoyar a sus hermanos y hermanas en el trabajo por formar parte de nuestra línea de piquete de 10 am a 1 pm el sábado 7 de septiembre en el Chapel of the Chimes, 32992 Mission Blvd, Hayward, CA .
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Tuesday 2013-09-17 General Membership MeetingMartes 2013-09-17 Reunión General de Miembros
Members, please join us at our General Membership Meeting, Tuesday September 17, 2013 at 6pm, Round Table Pizza, 2227 Gellert Blvd, So San Francisco, CA
Issues on the agenda will be several bad contract proposals from cemetery properties to our workers, and discussion of our response to unfair labor practices at our properties.
Protect your union rights by attending your membership meeting. Miembros, por favor únase a nosotros en nuestra reunión general, el martes 17 de septiembre 2013 a las 18:00, Round Table Pizza, 2227 Gellert Blvd, So San Francisco, CA
Temas de la agenda serán varias propuestas de contratos malas propiedades cementerio a nuestros trabajadores, y la discusión de nuestra respuesta a las prácticas laborales injustas en nuestras propiedades.
Proteja sus derechos sindicales, asistiendo a la reunión de los miembros.
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Get Your Pension Estimate!¡Obtenga su Estimación de Pensiones!
Get your updated pension estimate from the SEIU National Industry Pension Fund!
Download the SEIU Pension Fund Estimate Request Form by clicking the link.
Fill it out with Adobe Reader and print it, or print it blank and fill it in by hand.
Mail the completed estimate request form to:
Service Employees International Union
National Industry Pension Fund
11 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-1202
After completing and mailing your pension estimate request, you will receive your estimate in a few weeks. If you have any questions, please contact your union official.
Please direct pension inquiries by email to the SEIU Benefit Fund information mailbox: Inquiries by email usually receive a reply within 24 hours.Obtenga su estimación actualizada de pensiones de la SEIU Nacional de la Industria de Fondos de Pensiones!
Descargue el SEIU Pension Fund Estimate Request FormSEIU Fondo de Pensiones Estimación Formulario de Solicitud haciendo clic en el enlace.
Llene el formulario con Adobe Reader y de impresión, la impresión o en blanco y llenarlo a mano.
Envíe el formulario completo de solicitud de estimación de:
Service International Employees Union
National Industry Pension Fund
11 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-1202
Después de completar y enviar por correo su solicitud de presupuesto de pensiones, recibirá su presupuesto en un par de semanas. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con su dirigente sindical.
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